SafetyNet attestation, a building block for anti-abuse
Posted by Arindam Basu, Borbala Benko, Alan Butler, Edward Cunningham, William Luh Building innovative security features for Android app developers and their users continues to be a priority. As part of this effort, we provide SafetyNet attestation , an API for developers to remotely evaluate whether they are talking to a genuine Android device. SafetyNet examines software and hardware information on the device to assess its integrity. The result is a cryptographically signed statement, attesting basic properties of the device — such as overall integrity and compatibility with Android ( CTS ) — as well as metadata about your app, such as its package name and signature. The following JSON snippet shows an example of how the API reports this information: { "nonce": "R2Rra24fVm5xa2Mg", "timestampMs": 9860437986543, "apkPackageName": "", "apkCertificateDigestSha256": ["base64 encoded,...