Updates to Google Play policy promote standalone Android Wear apps
Posted by Hoi Lam , Lead Developer Advocate, Android Wear Strava - a standalone wear app available to both Android and iOS users Android Wear 2.0 represents the the latest evolution of the Android Wear platform. It introduced the concept of href="https://developer.android.com/training/wearables/apps/standalone-apps.html">standalone apps that can connect to the network directly and work independently of a smartphone. This is critical to providing apps not only to our Android users, but also iOS users - which is increasingly important as we continue to expand our diverse ecosystem of watches and users. In addition, Wear 2.0 brought multi-APK support to Wear apps, which reduces the APK size of your phone apps, and makes it possible for iOS users to experience your Wear apps. Today, we are announcing that multi-APKs will also work for Android Wear 1.0 watches, so you can now reach all of your users without needing to bundle your Wear app within your phone app's APK. Addit...