3 things to know about Jetpack from Android Dev Summit 2019
Posted by Jisha Abubaker , Product Manager Last month’s #AndroidDevSummit was jam-packed with announcements and technical news...so much that we wouldn’t be surprised if you missed something. So all this month, we’ll be diving into key areas from throughout the summit so you don’t miss anything. We previously spotlighted Jetpack Compose , Kotlin and Android Studio , and today, we’re highlighting the rest of Android Jetpack , with the top three things you should know: #1: A number of new & updated Jetpack libraries ready to use: WorkManager 2.2 (Stable) has landed significant updates in the last releases with features like on-demand initialization improving app startup time when using WorkManager and improved testing support. Hear more of the new features and best practices. Room 2.2 (Stable) is packed with features you asked for too : pre-packaged databases, improved relationship support and now better support for Kotlin Flow as well. Check out the What’s new in Room session...